White Smith Cousino provides high quality plan implementation and urban planning strategies and tools for public and private sector clients. Our firm has consistently demonstrated the ability to work with staff, development community, citizen groups and governing bodies to develop strategies and alternatives, and to achieve consensus. This involves preparing and leading committee workshops, charrettes, public meetings, and private focus groups. Our codes have been adopted unanimously even in highly contentious political environments. Through our combination of public facilitation, expertise in substantive issues, and design experience, White Smith Cousino has the tools and personnel to create innovative development codes, land use plans, public facilities financing techniques, and Smart Growth tools. One of our unique assets is an enormous digital library. This includes an extensive database of codes, plans, reports, caselaw, statutes, and images. We also maintain numerous digital imaging programs to provide user-friendly, readable documents for our clients.
Our planners have advanced degrees in both planning, law, and architecture. Through its combination of public facilitation, expertise in the substantive issues, and design experience, White Smith Cousino has the tools and personnel to build a successful constituency zoning regulations, design based codes, growth management controls, and other types of land development regulations.
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